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Stepan Pasicznyk a.k.a. "Ludwig", a Ukrainian - Irish musician born in England
formerly of "The Ukrainains" original line up, and "Here Be Dragons".

The new site is here.

Before we deal with music, please sign: which points to the safe petition site. Lets get Russian vodka off our supermarket shelves until Putin returns Crimea and Donbas to Ukraine. The British Victims of MH17 most probably used the supermarkets the petition addresses. The least these supermarkets could do is honour their memory. Thank you.

Now to music. For events/projects requiring Ukrainian music and songs, Ukrainian songs in English, booking a solo gig, Ukrainian dance/function band , or session musician (accordion/guitar/mandolin/bass) or recording studio services, email me at or if you do not use Microsoft Outlook mail cut and paste email address into your email providers address bar.

Here are some radio performances and online releases. The pics below lead directly to the Itunes releases links. All transactions on this site are done through secure third party providers such as Itunes, or Paypal.


Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release

Itunes release





About Stepan a.k.a."Ludwig".

My surname is "Beekeeper" in Ukrainian. In Ukrainian circles I am also nick named "Ludwig". I am of Ukrainian / Irish descent and come from a musical family. My Mum's cousin was Eddie Rabbit, the Irish/American Country singer who wrote "Every which way but loose" for the Clint Eastwood film with an Orangutan, and "Kentucky Rain" sung by Elvis Presley.

About my time with "The Ukrainians".

I was piano accordionist & co/songwriter with the original line up of The Ukrainians founded by ex-Wedding Present guitarist Pete Solowka, for the Vorony, Kultura & Smiths covers EP. Roman Remeynes, (original mandolinist co/songwriter) & I grew up participating in our respective Ukrainian communities which gave us both a good grounding in traditional music. "The Ukrainians" achieved considerable international success performing at venues ranging from Ukraine's second anniversary of Independence in Kyiv, Ukraine, through to the Bumbershoot & Glastonbury festivals in the USA & England, & numerous European festivals & venues. We also recorded a sound track to a Nike sports wear advert. I toured with "The Ukrainians" taking "Vorony" & "Kultura" LP's, & the Smiths covers EP on the road around Europe and the Canadian/US first tour. I also went with them to Ukraine for the joint tour with Ukraine rock giants V V. Radio appearances included Peel & Kershaw sessions & other British, Canadian, US, & European Radio & TV.

How "The Ukrainians" crafted their songs.

Whilst I was with them, The Ukrainians' unique sound was the synergical product of all its band members unique contributions and musical influences. The songs that you hear on your CDs or at gigs were normally the ideas of one or two of us, refined or sometimes even roughed up, and then crafted by the whole team. I enjoyed being in the Ukrainians "Mark 1" line up, sometimes affectionately referred to as "The A team" which, I stress, relates to personnel chronology, and not musical ability or quality!
Speaking of which click here to hear me with the original line up being broadcast from the space shuttle by Ukrainian American astronaut/Plastun Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper. Nice to know she had a CYMivets on her CD player! First CYM member in Space!

The Ukrainians releases credit references

Copy and paste these links into your browser as direct click and connect doesn't work.

My Musical CV.

Member of quartet Vyrkhovyna, Luton Based Ukrainian folk group.

Accordionist with Reading based "Metelyk" Ukrainian dance ensemble, veterans of European international folk festivals.

Waltham Cross based "Zhnyva" Ukrainian dance & function band.
Original line up accordionist and co-writer with one time John Peel favourites, Wedding Present spin off, The Ukrainains.


"The Ukes" project 2002 - 2010: Who How Why When   Читайте про нас українською мовою

Music for BBC TV Football programme hosted by Mark Wright "Row Z".
Music for London theatre, Frederic Molnars "Husbands and Lovers", London City Lit.
Bass singer in Ukrainian male voice choir “Bulava”directed by international opera star Pawlo Hunka Bulava for their first tour "Vyrkhovyna".
Accordionist for Welsh Folk Rocksters Here Be Dragons
Here Be Dragons 2007 to 2014. Joined them for American ABC TV Debut and Celtic Music Festival in Chicago in 2007, and subsequent Italy tours of 2011 and 2012. Headlined at Cardiff International Arena for Welsh Beer and Cider Festival 2013. Last gig - Normandy, France November 2014. Still "in the squad" as reserve acordionist, but looking for another musical challenge at present. Any "folk rockster" bands out there in need of an accordionist, just contact me!

Session work on: The Bishop of Buffalo, Rev Hammer, produced by Justin Sullivan, New Model army.
The Bridewell Taxis's release "Cage" produced by Roxy Music's Phil Manzanera.
Accordion on NY Ukrainian duets "Darka and Slavko" last release.
Accordion on latest release "Elvis Lives Here", by The Swagger Band featuring Swill (Phil Odgers) also of The Men They Couldn't Hang.
English translations of Orange Revolution hit, Ya Patriot, and "Children of Orange" by Ukrainian artist Lessia Horova (Atlantic Records).
For ongoing musical activity updates click the "News" buttomon the left.

CD Recordings since "The Ukrainians"

Ludwig's Eclectic Collection:

15 tracks varying in lyrical content from serious to light hearted, and in musical styles from Ska, Latino/Jazz, & dance through to Rock, Reggae, Swing & Township rhythm. The first three tracks are re-interpretations of traditional Ukrainian folk songs, two of which are sung in Ukrainian, and the rest are original compositions sung in English, some of which are about Ukrainian themes, such as "Song for Yuriy Shukhevich" and "Refugee Nation". The CD is very eclectic. There is even a Bavarian style beer drinking song on it!

"Rokovyny" (Anniversaries)

Cd of new musical collective produced by US Hollywood and Canadian Music Industry award winner Roman Klun. Some Ukrainian tracks given a different treatment, ranging from dynamic to melancholy.

Orange Revolution

A collection of songs relating to Ukraine’s struggle for independence and events as they unfolded at the time of the Orange Revolution.

For digital releases click on the "Albums" button on the left or "Links to Stepans online releases" above.

A short musical life biog.

My Ukrainian Dad bought me an accordion when I was nine years old and got me involved with the music scene in the British Ukrainian community, and my musical tuition was helped along by my Irish Mum, an accomplished fiddle player. In typical Irish tradition, our family band comprised of my Mother on fiddle, sister Mariyka on guitar, and myself on accordion playing Irish and Ukrainian music. My sister Mariyka and I also used to played in a folk group representing Luton's Ukrainian community called Verkhovyna, once a favourite at Luton's bank holiday festivities.

Other stuff

Swimming teacher, fitness & weight training instructor, family man, subsistence farmer & wine maker.

A little correction

The "Kolos great Ukrainian music of Britain" compilation quotes The Ukrainians "Lebedi Materynstva" track 4 as "part recorded in 1993, completed in the above sessions" (July & August 1997). In fact the 1993 recording was in its own right a complete live recording for radio, not just arranged by Solowka/Liggins as stated on the release, but arranged and performed by Len Liggins, myself, Andriy Maslyaniy, long time friend who sometimes stood in on Mandolin with The Ukrainians and now plays with me in "The Ukes", and Pete Solowka.

Scroll down here for some YouTube videos of releases.

Chervona Ruta in English
(Червона Рута Англійською мовою)

Carol of the Bells (Shchedryk) adaptation of
the ORIGINAL Ukrainian song to English.

January 3rd this year featured on the BBC!
Facebook/BBC Ukrainian Service

Chornobyl song - 30 years on.
85th anniversary of Holodomor,
the Soviet Genocide in Ukraine.
Dictatorship - a message to Putin

Eastwind - Ukrainian and Syrian Refugee Crises

About fraudulent voting in Ukraine's parliament.
Про шахрайське голосування в парламенті України.

Click on the Euro2016 logo for the
Multilingual football song, all seven
written & performed by me!


Musical Services Provided



